Sunday, November 1, 2009

Life List

A few months ago I read a blog post that changed my life. The announcement of Maggie's Life List sponsored by Intel was like the clouds parting and a greater being speaking to me.

There is reward in pursuing your passions!

Now, I know Maggie has been working hard for years, sacrificing to develop her business and her success. And I certainly don't believe this *new* blog will deliver the same for me. But I believe in putting the energy out there. And if I don't put it out there, I'll never know what could come back to me.

Drumroll.... Dadadadadadada.... My Life List

1. move to Portland
2. purchase our first home
(2.5. first home preferably has wood floors, a front porch, and a garden)
3. visit Ireland, the land of my grandmother's ancestors
4. restore my grandfather's old Mustang
5. compost
6. at least five go-to recipes
7. learn how to manage my weight and health
8. feel awesome when I walk into work
9. dedicate myself to a really great hobby
10. get an iPhone?

What do you think? Is the iPhone worth it? You know what? Let's save that chat for another post.

Life List to be continued.

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